Our video production company partnered with The Diabetes Education & Camping Association (DECA) to create a series of virtual training videos for diabetes camp staff’s online training.
The Story
DECA supports diabetes camps by sharing resources that advance the work of camps worldwide to provide safe, engaging programs for campers living with type 1 diabetes. DECA also unites the worldwide diabetes camping community through leadership and education. Diabetes camps help children affected by diabetes lead healthier, happier and more productive lives. This happens through good diabetes management and wholesome fun. We were brought in to create a series of evergreen training videos as resources for staff at camps around the globe.

The Process
- Our process started with narrative work – our team collaborated with DECA on a vision for these training videos.
- We landed on five key themes for the virtual training videos. “Access & Inclusivity,” “Going Home,” “Insulin Manipulation & Omission,” “Mental, Emotional & Social Health (MESH),” and “Role Review.”
- Then, we worked to identify the best individuals to help tell each story.
- Next, we held a series of pre-production calls with each individual to help shape the narratives. Their professional insight was invaluable for each topic area.
- Once each narrative was finalized, we conducted virtual interviews with the same individuals.
- Simultaneously, our in-house graphic designer worked on a suite of branded graphics to tie all five videos together seamlessly.
- Finally, we edited each of the five videos and completed several rounds of review with the DECA team until finalizing each video.
- The final online learning series includes five videos, English and Spanish subtitle files, and two branded one pages to accompany the videos as tangible resources.
The Result
The DECA team is providing the videos for free to members and nonmembers alike on the home page of their website, you can watch all five videos here.
Engagement with the content has been strong and the DECA team will continue using these virtual learning videos as a means for training current and future camp staff.
Learn more about DECA here.