Broaden Your Reach with Our Strategic Nonprofit Consulting Services

Nonprofits are always striving to create meaningful change. Amidst this very difficult work it can be a challenge to effectively communicate their mission and engage an audience. Our strategic nonprofit consulting services offer a roadmap for organizations looking to define their impact and expand their reach. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of strategic consulting, outline the consulting process at Show The Good, highlight key areas of focus in nonprofit story consulting, and discuss how strategic storytelling can grow your list of supporters and partners.

Show the Good for ENERGIA at the SE4ALL Forum

The Benefits of Strategic Story Consulting for Nonprofits

Our consulting services are specifically tailored to the unique needs of each organization we work with. Yet, we always work towards the same end goals. Here are some key benefits:
  1. Enhanced Clarity and Focus: Nonprofits often operate in complex environments, juggling multiple projects and priorities. Strategic consulting provides clarity by helping organizations define their mission, vision, and goals. This focus allows nonprofits to channel their resources effectively into doing their work, ensuring that every effort contributes to their overarching mission.
  2. Access to Expertise: We’ve been around for over 10 years, working in-depth with nonprofits around the globe. We know the approaches that work and those that don’t. We’ll use the wisdom we’ve gathered to expertly craft the story of your organization, while avoiding pitfalls we’ve learned through our past work. 
  3. Capacity Building: Consulting services can empower nonprofit staff by enhancing their skills and knowledge. By providing training and resources, consultants help build internal capacity, allowing organizations to sustain their initiatives long after the consulting engagement concludes. We always seek to leave our clients’ teams with more knowledge on how to keep up the storytelling long after we’ve left the room. 
  4. Increased Stakeholder Engagement: Effective story consulting helps nonprofits develop strong relationships with stakeholders—be they donors, volunteers, or community members. Engaged stakeholders are more likely to support the organization, amplifying its impact.
Show the Good for Infosys Foundation USA
Show the Good for Infosys Foundation USA

Show The Good’s Consulting Process

At Show The Good, our consulting process is designed to be collaborative and tailored to the unique needs of each nonprofit. Here’s a step-by-step overview of our approach:
  1. Initial Discovery: We begin with a thorough discovery phase, where we engage with key stakeholders to understand the organization’s mission, impact, challenges, strengths, and goals. This involves interviews, surveys, and data analysis to gather insights.
  2. Strategic Planning: Based on our findings, we work closely with the organization to create a strategic plan that outlines specific objectives and actionable strategies for their storytelling moving forward. This plan serves as a roadmap for the nonprofit’s future initiatives.
  3. Implementation Support: Our role doesn’t end with the creation of the strategic plan. We provide hands-on support during the implementation phase, helping teams execute strategies effectively while addressing any obstacles that may arise. Sometimes during this phase, we produce storytelling assets – like videos, photography and graphics – and other times we consult as the organization’s team does the iteration work. In this case, we’d be providing feedback on how the assets adhere to our strategic story plan. 
  4. Monitoring and Evaluation: We believe in the importance of measuring impact. Our team helps nonprofits develop metrics to monitor progress and evaluate the effectiveness of their initiatives. This continuous feedback loop allows organizations to adapt and improve.
  5. Capacity Building Workshops: To ensure the longevity of our efforts, we conduct workshops and training sessions focused on skill development. These sessions equip staff with the tools they need to sustain their initiatives independently.
Show the Good for Teachers College
Show the Good, Anthem Awards, Video Production Company
Show the Good wins an Anthem Award

Key Areas of Focus in Nonprofit Story Consulting

Storytelling is a powerful tool for nonprofits, enabling them to connect emotionally with their audiences and convey the significance of their work. Here are key areas of focus in nonprofit story consulting:
  1. Mission Story Development: A compelling mission story is vital for conveying the essence of an organization. We help nonprofits craft narratives that articulate their purpose and the impact they seek to create. This foundational story serves as the backbone for all communications.
  2. Impact Stories: Showcasing real-life examples of how the organization has made a difference is crucial for building credibility and trust. We assist nonprofits in gathering and presenting impact stories that highlight the tangible results of their work.
  3. Audience-Centric Messaging: Understanding the target audience is key to effective storytelling. We help nonprofits identify their audience segments and tailor messages that resonate with each group, ensuring greater engagement and connection.
  4. Visual Storytelling: In a world dominated by visual content, our storytelling work always involves compelling imagery and design. We guide nonprofits in creating visual narratives that enhance their messages and captivate their audiences.
  5. Integrated Communication Strategies: Storytelling should permeate all aspects of a nonprofit’s communication strategy. We assist organizations in integrating their strategic story plan across various platforms—websites, social media, newsletters, and events—ensuring a cohesive and impactful narrative. We also help staff learn how to tailor their own personal messaging to match the organization’s new story vision. 

Growing Your Supporters and Partners Through Strategic Storytelling

Strategic storytelling is about building relationships and mobilizing support. Here’s how nonprofits can leverage storytelling to grow their audience and enhance partnerships:
  1. Creating Emotional Connections: Stories have the power to evoke emotions. By sharing personal narratives that illustrate the organization’s impact, nonprofits can create deep emotional connections with potential supporters. This connection is often the first step in fostering long-term relationships.
  2. Highlighting Shared Values: Storytelling allows organizations to articulate their values and mission clearly. By showing how their work aligns with the values of potential supporters, nonprofits can attract individuals and organizations who share their vision.
  3. Building Community: Stories can foster a sense of community among supporters and stakeholders. By sharing collective narratives that highlight the community’s role in achieving the nonprofit’s mission, organizations can strengthen bonds and encourage collaboration.
  4. Amplifying Reach: Engaging stories are more likely to be shared. By creating narratives that resonate with their audience, nonprofits can amplify their reach through word-of-mouth and social media sharing. This organic growth can lead to increased visibility and support.
In conclusion, strategic nonprofit story consulting services can supercharge an organization’s ability to grow its audience and enhance its impact. By leveraging expert insights, effective storytelling, and collaborative processes, nonprofits can achieve their mission with greater clarity and focus. The journey of strategic consulting not only builds internal capacity but also creates emotional connections with supporters, fostering a vibrant community committed to making a difference. 
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