In celebration of our 10-year anniversary, we’re posting 10 of our past projects over the next 10 days. Stay tuned for a walk down memory lane! Head to our previous blog post for a note from our founder on Day #1 of the celebration.
Day #2 – A Bright Solution for Solar Sister
In 2014, things got off to an exciting start. We were chosen by the Clinton Global Initiative to participate in creating a series of films to honor their 10-year anniversary. We filmed in three countries with three organizations – Solar Sister, Make it Right and Qualcomm. At the time of filming, they had 1,000 Solar Sister Entrepreneurs. As of October, 2023 they’ve reached 10,000 women reaching over 3.4 million people with renewable energy products. We’re so proud that our storytelling partnership with Solar Sister continues to this day.
Day #3 – Step it Up for LGBTQI+ Rights
In 2016, the team at the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development asked us to collaborate with them on a series of videos for the Step it Up NYC dance step and service competition 🏆. On day 3 of our #ShowtheGoodTurns10 celebration we are taking a trip back to 2019, during our fourth year of that partnership with DYCD. The theme for the competition that year was Step it Up for LGBTQI+ Rights 🌈 . We collaborated with the 10 Step it Up NYC finalist teams and a few NYC-based youth artists to create this PSA which was nominated for a Webby in 2020. We continued to collaborate with DYCD on the Step it Up NYC program until 2021, when we won a Gold Anthem Award for our virtual competition, Step it Up for Black Lives Matter. Cinematography on this project is by Noah Yuan-Vogel, Animations by Morgan Gruer of Gruer Studio and many thanks to Sarah Whitney of DYCD for making this happen.

Day #4 – SEforALL 2017 with ENERGIA in Brooklyn, NY
We are heading back to our 2017 partnership with ENERGIA at the UN’s Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) meeting in Brooklyn, NY. We first worked with ENERGIA at SEforALL in 2015 and two years later joined to create content for and capture their participation in the UN’s global sustainable energy event. We were fortunate to bring on Adam Schultz (@schultzinit), a former colleague of our founder Brit Liggett to photograph. Adam is now the Chief White House Photographer for President Biden. One of the great joys of this work is the collection of uniquely talented people we get to work for and with. We’re still partnering on creative projects with ENERGIA and have been so thrilled to watch Adam’s photographs as he’s traveled the world with the current administration. All 📸 by Adam Schultz for ENERGIA (www.energia.org)
Day #5 – The We Speak NYC PSAs
Over the years we’ve been diving deeper into multi-language production. Each of these projects is an adventure, with it’s own unique surprises. Our work in language-based production started with a project for the New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs. We created four PSAs for their We Speak NYC English language learning program. The PSAs each detail the work and resources of a different New York City Agency featured in the larger learning materials. The project took us across New York City from Brooklyn Heights to Flushing Meadows to Wall Street. You can see all the PSAs and dig into the learning material on We Speak NYC’s website. As part of this project, we also created a facilitator training video, filming in English language conversation classes from Coney Island to Bushwick. So much of our work since then stems from this awesome project. Editing by Nick Noyes, Cinematography by Noah-Yuan Vogel and Graphics by Laura Milton.
Day #6 – Nazareth Housing 2023 Benefit Video
We’re humbled every time a client returns for a second, third, fourth (or more!) project. We love building relationships and deepening our understanding of their stories. On Day 6 of #ShowtheGoodTurns10 and we’re highlighting our partnership with Nazareth Housing which began in 2019. Nazareth Housing works on housing stability in New York City. We’ve been working with them ever since to create mini-documentaries for their annual benefit. The work they do digs deep into the heart of communities in New York City and helps people live their dreams. We are so honored they keep calling us to help tell their story! Watch our latest piece for them below from their 2023 benefit. Cinematography on this video by Yasmeen Jawhar. Produced and edited by Mikaila Schmitt and graphics by Della Hu!
Day #7 – Immigrants Are Essential for NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs
In January of 2020, The New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs asked us to help them create a series of three short films for Immigrant Heritage Week. As production moved forward, through winter into the spring, the world changed. For Day 7 of our #ShowtheGoodTurns10 celebration, we’re highlighting this series which is full of inspiring New York stories. In 2021, MOIA asked us to add three new films to the series. The full set of six films was turned into a documentary that aired on local public television channels. The project won a Bronze Anthem Award in 2022. 🎥 and editing by Nick Noyes, Production by Liv Behre and Grace Donnelly. Big thanks to Jake Adler and Nicole Chin-Lyn and the rest of the NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs team for their partnership on these!
Day #8 – Hodia Mission Video and Storytelling Archive
Nearing the end of our 10 days of #showthegoodturns10 celebration! Today we are highlighting a cause close to our hearts – the diabetes community. In 2021 we got a phone call from Lisa Gier asking us to create a suite of assets for Idaho Diabetes Youth Programs at Camp Hodia in the Sawtooth Wilderness. By the end of the 2-year project we had filmed five videos, delivered hundreds of beautiful photographs and created a suite of graphic assets for their Canva account. Diabetes camp is a place where kids living with the stress of a chronic illness feel safe among a community of people who understand them. Camp Hodia is a magical place and it was a real honor to spend so much time capturing their life changing work. Cinematography on this project by Yasmeen Jawhar and Nick Noyes who also edited. Produced and directed by Brit Liggett. Thumbnail photo by Sofia DeWolfe.
Day #9 – Vote in Your Language Campaign for the Civic Engagement Commission
On day 9 of the #showthegoodturns10 celebration we have extra special news about the project we are sharing. We’ve been nominated for an Anthem Award! In 2022, we produced a PSA for the NYC Civic Engagement Commission (CEC) to spread awareness about their Poll Site Language Assistance Program. The project brought together some of our favorite collaborators and filmed in locations across New York City with New Yorkers who are a part of the language communities CEC serves. The resulting PSA and a suite of over 100 graphics were released in 13 languages and used to educate New Yorkers about their interpretation rights at the polls. Major gratitude to the CEC’s team, who were such amazing partners on this project. Kudos to our talented, creative team (all listed on this project page on our website) who brought this to life. Click here to vote for us!