Our team often gets asked why we are so relentlessly positive. A big part of it is a very serious glass-half-full vision of the world. Things can get better, they will get better, if we just work together.
But personality isn’t everything. Statistics show that positive marketing is a better long-term strategy for increasing fundraising and support for social good causes.
The New York Times interviewed two social scientists from the UK about nonprofit marketing.
The researchers, the wife-and-husband team of Jennifer van Heerde-Hudson and David Hudson, had spent years studying the ways charities solicited donations. Conventional wisdom held that the most effective appeals emphasized innocent victims.
Contrary to that belief, Heerde-Hudson and Hudson revealed in their research, “If you can trigger a sense of hope, donations go up.’’
We walk the walk here at Show the Good. We are 100% focused on the inspiration and hope that your mission can bring to potential donors, partners and constituents.
Get in touch if you’d like to see how our storytelling vision can help spread the word about your mission.